Minnesota Prairie Roots

Writing and photography by Audrey Kletscher Helbling

Gratitude beyond Thanksgiving November 21, 2023

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Reasons to feel thankful, hung on a Gratitude Tree at the Northfield Public Library. (Minnesota Prairie Roots copyrighted file photo July 2019)

A SOLITARY TEAR TRICKLED down my left cheek as I struggled to hold back my emotions. I willed myself not to burst out sobbing in the quiet of the sanctuary, in the profoundness of his story.

He was nine years old, the pastor said, when a vision screening showed he needed prescription eyeglasses, an expense his parents could not afford. Yet, they found a way. His father sold his treasured guitar to pay for the $25 eyeglasses. Twenty years later, the son realized, understood, the sacrifice his dad made for him. And he thanked him. That simple thank you forever changed their relationship.

The Rev. Bruce Stam shared this personal story as he preached on gratitude just days before Thanksgiving. And it was his story which got me thinking about my own eyes and how, as a four-year-old, I underwent corrective eye surgery to realign my crossed eyes. I, of course, was too young to understand the financial challenges this presented to my parents. I regret that I never thanked them for the sacrifices they made to keep me from going blind in one eye and then for the prescription eyeglasses I needed to see. Just like the boy who would become a pastor.

Reasons to feel thankful written on feathers of a turkey at Faribault Lutheran School 10 years ago. (Minnesota Prairie Roots copyrighted file photo November 2013)

All too often we are blind to seeing the importance of gratitude. Except perhaps on Thanksgiving, our yearly thankfulness reminder. Gratitude does not come easily. We need to work at it, to carry an attitude of gratitude throughout the year. We are more inclined, however, to focus on that which we do not have, on complaining rather than expressing thanks. That’s human nature.

I created this Thanksgiving centerpiece as a reminder to be thankful. (Minnesota Prairie Roots copyrighted file photo)

But we can refocus. Thanksgiving is a good day to start. Sure, we say we’re thankful for family and friends and food and shelter and good health and such. But what does that mean, in a personal way? I’ll start.

I am especially grateful this November for having mostly reclaimed my health following a viral infection in January that affected my brain. This was tough stuff. But I got through it with the help of caring medical professionals and the loving support of my husband and my eldest daughter, especially. Amber checked in with me daily via text, always asking how I was feeling and offering ongoing encouragement. Randy mostly did everything on the home-front besides encouraging me, taking me to medical appointments and reminding me that I was making progress. Their unconditional love and support carried me through some really dark days. I am forever grateful.

Likewise, friends and some extended family did the same. I tried to remember to thank them. But I expect sometimes, in the midst of my neurological issues, I failed.

I love the idea of a public Gratitude Tree, this one at the Northfield Public Library in 2019. (Minnesota Prairie Roots copyrighted file photo July 2019)

Thanking someone need not be complicated or extravagant. Heartfelt, loving words spoken, texted or written are often all that is needed. As a writer, I am big on sending greeting cards to express my feelings.

When I graduated from five months of vestibular rehab therapy in mid-September, I knew I needed to do more. I baked homemade carrot cake cupcakes with homemade cream cheese frosting for the team at Courage Kenny in Faribault. For my therapist, Ryan, I also baked chocolate chip cookies and penned a lengthy thank you. He deserved my deep gratitude for working with me tirelessly to reclaim my life.

Another thankfulness tag on that Gratitude Tree in Northfield. (Minnesota Prairie Roots copyrighted file photo July 2019)

Opportunities abound to express gratitude in our daily lives. With words. With actions. With a smile. Sometimes understanding the importance of thankfulness comes in a story, a story of sacrifice. A story that touches the emotions, that causes us to see as a single tear slides down our cheek.

© Copyright 2023 Audrey Kletscher Helbling