Minnesota Prairie Roots

Writing and photography by Audrey Kletscher Helbling

With a thankful heart on Thanksgiving November 22, 2023

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A seasonal bulletin board at Fourth Avenue United Methodist Church, Faribault. (Minnesota Prairie Roots copyrighted photo September 2023)

WHEREVER YOU ARE on Thanksgiving, whomever you celebrate with, or don’t, I hope your day overflows with gratitude.

A full view of that festive church bulletin board. (Minnesota Prairie Roots copyrighted photo September 2023)

Thursday marks a day to reflect. We all have reasons to give thanks, ranging from the material to the more important non-material. Family tops that list for me. There’s nothing better than to be with those we love most. This year that will include all in my immediate family except my son, who flies back to Minnesota from Boston in mid-December for a holiday stay. Unfortunately his sister and her husband, who are coming for Thanksgiving, won’t be here at Christmas. I haven’t seen any of them in a year and I miss them so much my heart hurts.

But, if I’ve learned anything through these empty-nester years, it’s that I need to savor the times I do have with my adult children rather than bemoan the holidays without them. I feel thankful to have at least one of my three—the eldest daughter, her husband and my grandchildren—still living in Minnesota.

We will gather around the table on Thanksgiving, ever grateful for each other.

I created this display in a stoneware bowl on a previous Thanksgiving. (Minnesota Prairie Roots copyrighted file photo)

Likewise, I am grateful for you, my readers. I’ve felt the love this year through my difficult health struggles. In all the chaos in this world, goodness remains. Strong. Bold. Shining. And for that I have every reason to feel thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving!

© Copyright 2023 Audrey Kletscher Helbling