Minnesota Prairie Roots

Writing and photography by Audrey Kletscher Helbling

34 Responses to “Delighting in the Minnesota season of ice cream socials & church dinners”

  1. treadlemusic Says:

    I am now officially WANTING pie for breakfast!!!!!!! sigh………………….

  2. This brings back the GOOD memories of cake, pie and socials 🙂 I remember the church ladies as we called them as kids making us homemade donuts every once in a while before classes started. I do not find donuts like that and when I do I stock up and usually end up eating two right away. I miss my grandmother’s baking and I am a pretty good baker myself I just do not bake very often because I will eat the whole pan of brownies in no time flat. Oh the memories. Happy Day – Enjoy!

    • Oh, yes, we still call them “the church ladies,” although men often help these days, too.

      I can almost taste those donuts of which you write. Good old-fashioned ones. Such sweet memories.

    • The lunch meals the church ladies would make when I was in 2nd to 6th grades. I went into public school in 7th grade and questioned and wondered what the school was serving for lunch. I grew up eating homemade for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I learned what processed foods were though in my 7th grade education. I also learned pretty quickly to brown bag it. I still brown bag it for lunch and pretty much make homemade dinners at least 5 to 6 nights a week.

  3. markthinks13 Says:

    I think it is a phenomenon of small town life – and how blessed we are that we have found it! 🙂

  4. Littlesundog Says:

    I remember church ice cream socials… I can’t say I know of any around here these days. What a lovely post with mouth-watering photos. Thanks a lot Audrey… my sweet tooth just kicked in. Looks like I might have to bake a cobbler to go with some ice cream! I have a lot of blackberries to do something with – so this post is my motivation!! 🙂

  5. Missy's Crafty Mess Says:

    Pass the pecan pie please

  6. Love the rural USA.. In Maine they still have ham and beans(Boston baked beans) suppers.

  7. Jackie Says:

    I Love to hear about these ice cream socials and fellowship dinners.I love the pattern on these church dishes, and the Pies look amazing. Every Fall one of our sister churches hosts a pie auction for the youth of the church. Some of those pies have gone for hundreds of dollars (for real) It’s a fun way to support the youth and get something yummy in return. The members love outbidding one another the get their favorite pies 🙂

    • I love the pattern on the dishes, too. We attend a fundraiser each year where pies are auctioned as the dessert. There are not enough for every table. The bidding gets fierce and, yes, pies there have gone for hundreds of dollars. All for a good cause, to fund a local Christian camp.

  8. hotlyspiced Says:

    It’s great to see everyone really enjoying and embracing summer. Ice cream is so good in the heat. I love the look of the scooped potato salad (at first I thought it was a chunky ice cream!) and that lemon meringue pie looks really good. I’m thinking of making a passionfruit meringue pie to feature on my blog in the next few days! xx

  9. Sue Ready Says:

    The pies look amazing and so delicious. Don’t forget Sunday is National Ice Cream Day. Perhaps hit the DQ or make a pie adding a scoop of ice cream..

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