Minnesota Prairie Roots

Writing and photography by Audrey Kletscher Helbling

On being a grandma November 9, 2016

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JUST OVER SEVEN MONTHS AGO, I became a grandma to sweet baby Isabelle. Izzy for short.

She’s stolen my heart in a way only a grandbaby can. Everything she does is new and beautiful and joyful and wonderful. This coming from a woman who raised three kids. Still, it’s different with Izzy.

Those of you who have been grandparents for awhile get it. Those of us who are novices are learning. Although we will protect and care for our grandchildren, they are not our sole responsibilities. That, I think, makes all the difference. It really is true that we can spoil them and then send them home, although my granddaughter is just a little too young to spoil.

I take great joy in watching my eldest daughter care for her daughter. I see the tenderness, the love, the delight Amber finds in being a full-time mom. Her voice soothes and encourages and even prompts her baby girl to giggle at her mama.

In half a year of life, Isabelle has grown and changed so much. She’s sprouted two teeth, is rolling over, sitting up and eating solid food. She laughs and “talks” and gives this grandma more love than I ever imagined a baby could give.

I am truly, totally, head-over-heels in love with my granddaughter.

© Copyright 2016 Audrey Kletscher Helbling