Minnesota Prairie Roots

Writing and photography by Audrey Kletscher Helbling

Bilingual poetry reading connects communities May 22, 2024

(Promo courtesy of Rice County Neighbors United)

POETRY. Say that singular word and most people likely stop listening. But listening is precisely what you should do when you hear “poetry.”

An original poem and photo by Mar Valdecantos, director of Rice County Neighbors United. (Minnesota Prairie Roots copyrighted file photo April 2024)

Poems are meant to be read aloud, to be heard. I didn’t always understand that. But when I started attending and participating in poetry readings many years ago, I realized that poems, like music, need to be vocalized to fully experience them.

Rolled up poems were boxed (not bagged) and placed at local businesses. (Minnesota Prairie Roots copyrighted file photo April 2024)

Thursday evening, May 23, I will be among poets and poetry lovers participating in a community poetry reading at Mercado Local, 108 Fifth St. E., Northfield, to celebrate “Poetry in a Bag!” Through this project of Rice County Neighbors United, original and favorite poems were collected, printed, then distributed to area businesses during National Poetry Month in April and into May. Customers were welcome to take a rolled up poem printed in both English and Spanish.

Mercado Local, located just off Division Street in Northfield. (Minnesota Prairie Roots copyrighted photo April 2024)

So this bilingual project is as much cultural as culture. That’s part of the mission of RCNU—to connect cultures, to increase visibility of immigrants and refugees in the community, to empower them. Mercado Local serves as a home base for the advocacy organization with its store, art center and community room.

A sampling of the merchandise inside the Mercado Local store. (Minnesota Prairie Roots copyrighted file photo April 2024)

The store will be open during Thursday’s 6:30-7:30 pm gathering in the community space. I’ll be there reading the six original, previously-published poems I submitted for “Poetry in a Bag!” Likewise Northfield poets will read their poems. It’s certain to be a connective experience.

For sale in the store at Mercado Local. (Minnesota Prairie Roots copyrighted file photo April 2024)

The free public event also features Hispanic foods and desserts, a sure way to bring people together. Already “Poetry in a Bag!” has done that personally, connecting me with Northfield poets previously unknown to me. I expect to make more new friends on Thursday when I read poetry, listen to poetry, sample Hispanic foods and immerse myself in a culture different than mine.

Plenty of offerings inside the Mercado Local store. (Minnesota Prairie Roots copyrighted file photo April 2024)

Two cultures connecting via words and food. Now that’s poetry to my ears, food for my soul.

© Copyright 2024 Audrey Kletscher Helbling


9 Responses to “Bilingual poetry reading connects communities”

  1. Rose Says:

    I’m excited for you Audrey. This sounds like a fantastic event! I wish I lived nearby so I could attend. Our community, library, and college offer several book clubs, writer’s clubs, poetry clubs, author presentations… however the attendees tend to be homogenous (meaning most of us are gray-haired ladies). I long to see a larger variety of people.

  2. Doug Says:

    That sounds like great fun. If I lived in the area I would for sure go. I have been blessed to have been given the opportunity to learn to speak Spanish fluently, and it has enriched my life.

    • Thank you, Doug, for sharing your enthusiasm for this bilingual poetry reading and for how much learning has enriched your life. I wish I could speak Spanish. But the only language taught in my high school back in the 1970s was German, so that’s what I learned. I loved learning another language. My second daughter speaks Spanish fluently and was a medical interpreter up until COVID and she lost her job. Now she delivers mail. Such a loss as she was really good at what she did and so compassionate.

  3. beth Says:

    I love that the reading is bilingual, and best of luck to you tomorrow !

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