Minnesota Prairie Roots

Writing and photography by Audrey Kletscher Helbling

Independence Day 2018 July 3, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Audrey Kletscher Helbling @ 7:35 AM
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I WANTED TO WRITE an uplifting post focusing on the celebration of Independence Day. Freedom, and all that means in the USA.

But, instead, I find my mind shifting to the challenges this country currently faces. These are difficult times. Violence. Hatred. Anger. Attacks on peoples. The press. Policies and statements and actions that, in my opinion, do not fit a democracy.

I love this country. I value my freedom. But never in my sixty-plus years have I feared so for our nation.

Yet, I hold hope. I hold hope in the rising of voices. I hold hope in the humanity of Americans, that we still care enough about one another, about freedom, to stand strong. To rise. To seek truth and do what is right.

A happy and safe Fourth to each of you, my dear Americans.

© Copyright 2018 Audrey Kletscher Helbling


29 Responses to “Independence Day 2018”

  1. I am like you in having hope. At times I feel like we are going backwards instead of progressing forward. I am rockin my red, white and blue today! Happy 4th Everyone and Thank You for Those That Have Served and are Serving 🙂

  2. Marilyn Wren Says:

    I feel the same way you do. Thanks for your comments.

  3. Murphy's Law Says:

    Happy Fourth of July Audrey! With all that’s wrong with this country we all have much to celebrate, our freedom for sure. We’ve never been a nation to give up, so I believe hope for our future is alive and well.

    My heartfelt thanks to our military, both past and present, for stepping up to the plate so we can maintain our freedom.

    Hope whatever your plans are for tomorrow you and Randy enjoy a wonderful day. And keep up the good work in the healing department. Anxious to hear you’re fit as a fiddle once again!!
    🔹 Ginger

  4. Almost Iowa Says:

    Gosh, if this country can survive 1968, we can survive anything.

  5. valeriebollinger Says:

    Hope is the key word. We lose hope and we’ve lost I think.

  6. We all need to raise our voices NOW!The cost is much too great if we don’t, freedom is not for free and those friends of mine who never made it home fighting for everyone’s freedom should not have died in vain.

  7. Marilyn Donnell Says:

    A prayer to sing today: God bless America, Land that I love. Stand beside her And guide her Through the night with the light from above. From the mountains, To the prairies, To the oceans White with foam God bless America, My home sweet home. AMEN.

  8. Kathleen Cassen Mickelson Says:

    I am worried about America, too. The divisiveness that has fractured our country, the way no one will listen or compromise and consider another point of view, has put us into a pendulum swing that prevents anything from getting done. People do not get put first; money and power do. I could go on, but the need for action is out there and a democracy can only continue when its citizens step up, vote, contribute, listen. Here’s hoping….In the meantime, let’s keep being decent to each other and taking care of the children, the elders, those in need.

  9. Jackie Says:

    Happy 4th of July Audrey. Stay cool 🙂

  10. Brenda R Says:

    Happy 4th of July to you Audrey! I too am worried about some of the paths our country is going down. My oldest brother alerted me to read an editorial from the New Ulm Journal on June 24th and also the online responses from readers. It is from Greg Orears column, What’s Going On: Christianity under attack from an unlikely enemy. I think it is a very interesting and thought provoking column that I think you would like to read. I heard on the radio yesterday that the results of a Gallup poll asking people about being extremely proud to be an American was the lowest percentage since they started asking the question in 2001- 47%. I hate the divisiveness in our country right now and hope & pray that things will change soon! The words to God Bless America are indeed a wonderful prayer!

  11. Missy's Crafty Mess Says:

    Every is offended by everything these days and they stand for nothing but their own personal interests

  12. I find this to be a frightening time in America. How divided we have become is the most frightening to me. Good post Audrey. Let’s all hope and pray and stand together. 🙂

  13. Bella Says:

    I agree hope is the word of the day and something we must hang to wishing for better times

  14. Gunny Says:


    While it was before the 4th of July, I visited and paid my respects at the grave of my cousin who was KIA in Viet Nam – serving during my own tour. Ya’ll have veterans in your own families. Take time to learn their stories and appreciate them. We live in a great country and we all have much cherished rights. Those rights carry a great deal of responsibility on each of our shoulders. God Bless.

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