Minnesota Prairie Roots

Writing and photography by Audrey Kletscher Helbling

Welcome to Minnesota December 13, 2019

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This message posted outside Fourth Avenue United Methodist Church In Faribault is so fitting for the season and current debate on refugees and immigration.


“The inn is not full in Minnesota.”

Those words summarize a letter sent today by Minnesota Governor Tim Walz to U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo making it clear that Minnesota will continue to welcome refugees.

I am thankful for that strong statement. I live in a diverse community which includes many immigrants and refugees. They are an important part of Faribault, of our work force, of our local economy, of our schools…

My forefathers were once immigrants, arriving here from Germany. Did they always feel welcome? Probably not. But they worked hard and assimilated without giving up their heritage.

As we continue in this holiday season, I hope an attitude of peace and good will prevails. We are all just people with the same basic needs of food, clothing and shelter. And a desire to feel accepted and welcomed. Wherever we choose to live.

© Copyright 2019 Audrey Kletscher Helbling