Minnesota Prairie Roots

Writing and photography by Audrey Kletscher Helbling

Reflecting on 2019 December 31, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — Audrey Kletscher Helbling @ 5:00 AM
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Minnesota Prairie Roots edited sunset photo from February 2013.


ON THE CUSP of the new year, the final day of 2019 represents a day of reflection.

For me, the year past proved among the most challenging of my life. Situations stretched my strength. My patience. My endurance. My ability to cope.

I learned that I am stronger than I ever thought possible. I learned that I can be persistent and pushy and advocate for those I love. I learned to never give up hope, to rely on God (more than I already had) and that something good can come from difficulties.

I also experienced the goodness of so many people. Prayers. Compassionate words and actions and gifts. All uplifted me. Cards in the mail. Gift cards. Food. Help with medical expenses. Several unexpected Christmas gifts. Hugs. Visits. Texts and emails and phone calls of care.

I felt loved. And that helped me get through those days when I felt overwhelmed by circumstances and all I had to do as a mother, a daughter, a sister.

This past year is one I am ready to see gone. It was that hard. Not everything is all better. But as I step into 2020, I do so as a woman made stronger by that which I’ve endured. And survived.

TELL ME: How was your 2019? How have you changed/grown/experienced the goodness of others?

© Copyright 2019 Audrey Kletscher Helbling