Minnesota Prairie Roots

Writing and photography by Audrey Kletscher Helbling

Minnesota weather talk about this non-spring of 2022 April 28, 2022

At the confluence of the Straight and Cannon Rivers in Faribault, the landscape appears more autumn than spring-like. (Minnesota Prairie Roots copyrighted photo April 2022)

MINNESOTANS LOVE to talk weather. And for good reason. Weather shapes our lives—what we do on any given day, how we feel, where we go…

At the April 23 Earth Day Celebration in Northfield, moody grey skies clouded the day. (Minnesota Prairie Roots copyrighted photo April 2022)

And right now, when we should be in the throes of spring, we Minnesotans feel like we’re stuck in winter. It’s been an unseasonably cold and rainy April that has truly dampened spirits. We want, OK, need, sunshine and warmth after too many months of winter. That said, I really shouldn’t complain. Up North, snow still layers the ground and ice 20 inches thick freezes some lakes.

Treetops riverside against a grey sky in North Alexander Park. (Minnesota Prairie Roots copyrighted photo April 2022)
Autumns leaves remain, not yet replaced by spring growth. (Minnesota Prairie Roots copyrighted photo April 2022)
Devoid of color, the dock and river at Two Rivers Park. (Minnesota Prairie Roots copyrighted photo April 2022)

Yet, no matter where you live in Minnesota, day after day after day of grey skies coupled with low temps in the 20s and 30s takes a psychological toll. I should be wearing a spring jacket rather than a winter coat. My tulips should be blooming. Heck, the dandelions should be pushing through neighbors’ lawns. Trees should be budding green.

I spotted clam shells among dried leaves in the river bottom at Two Rivers Park. (Minnesota Prairie Roots copyrighted photo April 2022)

Instead, the overall landscape appears, well, pretty darned drab.

Canadian geese swim where the Straight and Cannon Rivers meet in Faribault. (Minnesota Prairie Roots copyrighted photo April 2022)

But, last Saturday we experienced a one-day reprieve of unseasonable warmth with the temp soaring to nearly 80 degrees. Typical high this time of year is around 60 degrees. It was a get-outside day. Don’t-waste-a-moment-indoors day. So Randy and I didn’t. We attended the Earth Day Celebration in Northfield, enjoyed craft beer at Chapel Brewing along the banks of the Cannon River in Dundas, walked a section of the Straight River Trail in Faribault and later followed part of the trail along the Cannon in North Alexander Park. Strong winds factored into every facet of our time outdoors, though.

An angler makes his way toward the Cannon River in shirt-sleeve weather on April 23. (Minnesota Prairie Roots copyrighted photo April 2022)

But, oh, how glorious to walk in warmth.

I zoomed in on this fungi high in a tree along the recreational trail in North Alexander Park. (Minnesota Prairie Roots copyrighted photo April 2022)

This feeling of remaining stuck in perpetual winter will end. I need to remind myself of that…even as the forecast for more rain and unseasonably cold temps (highs in the 40s) prevails.

TELL ME: What’s the weather like where you live?

© Copyright 2022 Audrey Kletscher Helbling


26 Responses to “Minnesota weather talk about this non-spring of 2022”

  1. beth Says:

    it’s been a crazy back and forth between seasons here in Michigan as well. lucky there is beauty to be found in each season

  2. The gray sky and brown ground can start to wear on a person. Have you begging for Winter to come to a close and for Spring to just POP UP already. It has been warm here and just enjoy heading outdoors on the weekends. Hang in there! Happy Day – Enjoy 🙂

  3. I usually don’t mind cold and gray, but even I am ready for something else! I’m sitting in front of our patio doors as I type this – looking out at a gray back yard, naked birch trees, cold deck. At least there are little birds flitting around. They must know something.

  4. Valerie Says:

    It was hard to come back from sunny and warm Florida, to this dreary and cold spring in in Minnesota!

  5. We’re in the process of moving to Minnesota from Southern Oregon where, until recently, it hadn’t rained (during the supposed “rainy season”) for 3 straight months – and may not rain again for 6 more months. 😟 So please forgive us as we enjoy your (and now our) unseasonable magic sky water. 😀

  6. Cool, grey sky, but it is Spring mixed with Summer. Our flower fields have taken a beating from strong winds but they have been blooming so I don’t miss April in MN that much if it is gloomy. Hopefully by June Summer will appear? Hopefully… it better!!!! Otherwise I will lodge a complaint with the MN Tourist bureau!😂🤣

  7. Sandra Says:

    My hostas are poking through, my 25 yr old bleeding heart that propagates all over the yard is up, but this is a year the nurseries have always advised not to plant before May 15th, frost might not be out until then. I know I can’t get my shepherd’s hooks all the way in yet. If I don’t have to shovel it, I’m good. We just went to the MIA Art In Bloom with 160 exhibitors, oh my. Got the artistic juices fed!

    • Sounds like your perennials know it’s spring. My tulips have been up for weeks, although not anywhere close to even budding. Crocus have bloomed. Iris are poking through. But I haven’t checked my hostas or bleeding hearts.

      One of these years I will get to that MIA show.

  8. Jackie Hemmer Says:

    I really dont think of it as “winter” anymore, I’m calling it a yucky spring, early spring is never a good time in my mind, it’s almost always cold, WET and gray! I’m looking forward to “Late” spring. The ice is still on the lake up north, we are so anxious to get up there. Hang in there my friend, I think we are all feeling the blahs

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