Minnesota Prairie Roots

Writing and photography by Audrey Kletscher Helbling

Reconnecting to the land during a March drive in Minnesota March 27, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Audrey Kletscher Helbling @ 5:00 AM
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SOMETIMES I NEED JUST to get out into the countryside—to reconnect with the land, to see the sky, to feel the pulse of the earth.



I need to see farms,



follow rural roads,




hear the crunch of tires upon gravel,



pass by rows of grain bins,



notice the oddities of signage,



the art of the land.



All of this I need to satisfy that part of me which misses rural life. I shall always retain my farm girl spirit, my connection to my rural roots despite my now decades-long absence.


Note: All photos are edited to create a more artsy look. All scenes were photographed in Le Sueur County, Minnesota.

© Copyright 2018 Audrey Kletscher Helbling


21 Responses to “Reconnecting to the land during a March drive in Minnesota”

  1. Beth Ann Says:

    It just looks cold to me. 🙂 Pretty but cold. Bring on spring.

  2. parkerozgood Says:

    Those are some great last of Winter shots!

  3. Almost Iowa Says:

    Love to see all these things too – but we could do with a little less snow.

  4. Susan Griebel Says:

    You can take the girl out of the country but you can’t take the country out of the girl!

  5. Sweet Posy Dreams Says:

    Love these photos, Audrey. So white and clean. I’ve been driving over to Iowa the last couple of weekends, and love the rural scenery there too.

  6. Jackie Says:

    …and I love to do the same, but when it’s been awhile I can always count on you with a new post of country and all the beauty in it! Thanks for sharing Audrey, I gotta get out soon! I do love that first photo of the lone barn. It reminds me of the one that sits on the farmstead on my Great Uncle Grants land, down near Mabel.

  7. Kathleen Cassen Mickelson Says:

    Love that very first photo! They’re all good, but that one really grabbed me with its starkness. Glad you got to reconnect.

  8. Don Says:

    I want to reconnect too! Mountains and such are great but……….there’s no place like farms and prairies for this ol Minnesota boy! Your pictures always bring me back home and can’t wait to once again drive the rural roads.

  9. Marilyn Donnell Says:

    I love the photos of the mid-western barns, farmhouses, silos, and country roads – all which bring up deep memories of my childhood.Thanks for sharing.

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  11. Missy's Crafty Mess Says:

    Beautiful pictures. You can almost hear the crunch of the snow and the smell of decaying leaves and grass

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